Sorry for the delay on the results. We had our NT Scan on Monday where we had an ultrasound to check for any anomolies and signs of chromosome disorders. Well I am happy, thrilled, extatic to report that both babies look absolutely perfect! Everything measured perfectly and there were no signs of any anomolies. As many of you know, this is a HUGE relief for Ryan and I as we lost our last pregnancy to Trisomy 18. Of course we were both nervous and just wanted to confirm to healthy babies. So as soon as everything was measured and looked great I think there was a simultaneous weight lifted off our chests and we enjoyed the rest of the ultrasound.
They were very active in there too. The bottom one we believe had the hiccups because it kept jolting every few seconds. The top one started out on its back and then when the Dr. went back it was on its belly nuzzled up with the placenta, haha. It was funny because she zoomed in on the face and it looked like its lips were puckering and it was giving me kisses. I said that has to be a boy and is already a Momma's Boy. Now I'm sure all the movement going on had nothing to do with the pop tart I ate right before the exam. Nothing at all.
I will say it was the most amazing thing so far to actually see them move in there. It's just so surreal to know that is all going on inside me. It's a feeling I don't think anyone could really put into words. I love them already and can't wait to show them the world.
We do have pictures, but I am having some technical difficulties at the moment getting them posted. I will add them as soon as I can. It's amazing because they really look like babies now, not just little beans!