
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

9 Months!

Wow! What a difference a month makes (or 9 for that matter). Cavan is crawling like a mad man and keeping me on my toes. Kaylie is now at the point Cavan was a couple of weeks ago where she army crawls and can sit herself back up. So I can only assume she will be crawling in time for Christmas. Thankfully they did not reach this milestone at the same time so I could dip my feet in and slowly acclimate rather than jump right in!

They are 100% on table food and formula now. They get their 3 (very occasionally 4) bottles a day and 3 meals. They pretty much love anything I put in front of them. My favorite food they eat? Cheerios! I don't know why, but ever since they were born I have looked forward to the day of giving them Cheerios to snack on. Maybe it's watching their tiny little fingers push them around until they get them just right. Maybe it's all those heartfelt Cheerios commercials I always saw growing up. Or maybe it's just one of my many personal milestones that mean nothing to anyone but me and make them that much more special.

Kaylie is still hanging strong with 2 teeth while Cavan, well I've kind of lost count. It seems like everytime I look in his mouth he's sprouting a new tooth. I believe he has 8 (6 fully in and 2 sprouting through). Let me tell you how much fun he's been. And guess what? I get to do it all again when Kaylie starts getting her teeth.

They are babbling all the time with each other, with their dogs, and with anyone around (or not around). They both say "More" for more food and "All Done" when they're done eating. I swear!

They are happy pretty much all the time (Well besides Cavan's little teething pain meltdowns). I envy the way they live their lives. So innocent. Every day is an adventure. Every sight is spectacular. Every taste is refreshing. Every song deserves a dance.

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1 comment:

Erin said...

Adorable! They're getting so big!